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carotenoids, 152–54
Carpenter, Jim, 62
cassowary, 243–44
Castro, Isabel, 210–11
catbirds, 195
caterpillars, 141, 152
cats, 27, 217
Central America, 67
Chaffinch, 85, 181–83, 201
Chamberlain, Dan, 129
Chapman, Renee, 39, 251–59, 277
cheese, 138, 167, 198
Chicago, 133
chickadees, 107, 118–19, 121–22, 136; behavior, 160–63; overwinter survival, 156–59; research on, 144; seeds for, 59; singing, 161–63
chicks. See nestlings
children, contact with nature, 279–81
China, 35, 188
Christmas Bird Count, 111
citizen science, 61, 99–101, 110, 172. See also Garden BirdWatch; Project FeederWatch
CityForm (UK), 25
CJ Wildlife (formerly CJ Wildbird Foods), 31–35, 79, 80, 83–88, 131
Clark, David, 37, 227, 249–50, 254
Clark, Nigel, 88
climate change, 103–4, 108, 115
clutch size, 150–51, 166, 169, 211
Coal Tit, 185
Cockatiel, 60
Cocker, Mark, 39
Collared Dove, 180–81, 184
Common Blackbird, 17, 50, 138, 140, 162
Common Brushtail Possum, 205
Common Myna, 133
Common Redpoll, 186
community bird-feeding programs, 55
conjunctivitis, 109–12, 172–79, 183–84, 187, 275
conservation, 7, 22, 42, 54; of biodiversity, 277–78 (see also biodiversity); of declining species, 126–28; “ecological trap” concept and, 239–40; human-nature connections and, 257–60; nestling stage and, 226–27; of small birds, 89; supplementary feeding as, 94, 206–7, 209–40, 270; year-round feeding and, 92, 149. See also bird and conservation organizations
cooperative breeding, 164
corn, 34, 43, 58, 61–62, 188–90, 221
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 98–112, 116, 174–75. See also Project FeederWatch
corvids, 8, 10, 18, 39, 129, 133, 163
Costa Rica, 67
Country Pride seed mix, 192
courtship, 215, 216, 218, 221
Cowie, Richard, 15–16, 124, 126, 261
Cox, Daniel, 260
Crane (Common), 69
Crested Tits, 159
crows, 8, 17, 50, 235, 236; in cultural records, 39; feeders’ relationships with, 48–49
cultural records, birds in, 39–42
Cuthbert (saint), 42
Cuthill, Irene, 32–33, 36
Czech Republic, 66
Denmark, 66
Department of Conservation (DoC, New Zealand), 206, 208
dependency on feeding, 97, 120–25, 223, 239, 265, 271
Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, 90
Dhondt, André, 28, 145, 174–75
diseases, 13, 128, 172–87; difficulty in detecting, 178–79; new types of, 185–87; tracking, 109–12, 172–78; transmission through feeders, 175–78, 184, 187, 275–76
Dobson, Joseph, 55
Dobson Automatic Sheltered Feeding Table, 55
dog food, 164–65, 167–68
Dovaston, John Freeman, 44–45
Droll Yankees, 57
drought, 265
ducks, 39, 99, 107, 197, 241, 251–52
Duncraft, 35, 57
Dunn, Erica (“Riccie”), 100
Dunnock, 60, 131, 182, 186
Eastern Europe, 35
Eastern Phoebe, 173
Eaton, Isabel, 44
E. coli bacteria, 186
Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds (Lack), 143–44
ecological traps, 239–40
ecosystems, changed by feeding, 271–73, 281
Edinburgh, 25
Edinburgh Evening News, 47
egrets, 44
Egyptian writings, birds in, 40
Eider (Common), 42
Elijah, 41
Emerald Dove, 242
England. See United Kingdom
English Nature Conservancy Council, 234
environmental consciousness, 54, 257–60, 281
Environmental Protection Agency, 191–93
epidemiological studies, 175. See also diseases
Erickson, Laura, 28
Estonia, 66
Estonian Ornithological Society, 120
eucalyptus trees, 9–10, 264
Europe: birdseed market, 35; decline in sparrow population, 229; diseases, 183, 186; feeding countries, 66; motivations for feeding, 94; winter-only feeding, 68, 70–72; year-round feeding, 269–70
European (Eurasian or Common) Blackbird, 17
evidence, 91, 97–98. See also feeder effect; supplementary feeding studies
experimental design, 109, 118
extinctions, 205, 211, 212
falcons, 40
Fallow Deer, 235
fashion plumes industry, 44
fat, 58, 198; studies of, 151–54, 165–66, 170
fat balls, 33, 71, 84, 104, 154, 162, 188
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, 191
feeder effect, 28, 96–139; changes in bird populations and communities, 87, 97, 126–28, 232–33, 270–73; debates on, 97, 111–12, 265–67; dependency, 97, 120–25, 223, 239, 265, 271; disease transmission, 109–12 (see also diseases); feeder density and bird density, 128–30, 271; migration, 112–17; nestlings, 124–26 (see also nestlings); nontarget species, 27, 132–35; North American research on, 98–112; special seeds, 130–32; of winter feeding, 117–19; year-round feeding, 119–20. See also supplementary feeding studies
feeding devices: cleanliness of, 178, 184, 275–76; density of, 128–30, 271; disease transmission through, 175–78, 184, 187, 275–76; history of, 33, 44–46, 51–53, 57; proliferation of, 62–63; types of, 35, 57, 220
Feeding Wild Birds (Baicich, Barker, and Henderson), 37, 44, 73–74
Feeding Wild Birds in America (Baicich, Barker, and Henderson), 37, 58, 73–74
Fellowes, Mark, 23, 26, 132, 237
Ferret, 205
Field Guide to the Birds (Peterson), 56
Figbird, 242
finches, 18, 181; diseases, 109–12, 172–79, 183–84, 186–87, 275; seeds for, 59, 60
Finland, 66
Fireback Pheasant, 38
Fischer, Jason, 111–12
Fitzpatrick, John, 28, 164
fledging success, 148, 151, 169
flightless birds, 203, 215
flocks, mixed-species, 161
Florida Scrub Jay, 126, 163–66
flowers, 5–6, 265. See also nectar
folivores, 195
fomites, 175–76
Food, Feeding and Drinking Appliances and Nesting Material to Attract Birds (Forbush), 53–54
Food-Bell appliance, 51, 57
“Food for Thought” (Robb), 168–69
Food-House appliance, 51
Food-Stick appliance, 52
Food-Stones product, 52, 55
Food-Tree recipe, 51–53
foraging behavior, 105–6, 122–24; mixed-species flocks, 161; spatial separation in, 178; in urban and suburban environments, 129, 140–42
Forbush, Edward Howe, 53
Four Seasons wild bird mix, 56, 74
France, 66, 67, 145, 183
Francis of Assisi (saint), 42
frugivores, 195
fruit, 92, 113, 242–44, 265
Fuller, Rich, 129, 277–79
fungivores, 195
Galah, 60
Galbraith, Josie, 23, 26, 123, 130, 202, 207–9, 211–12, 214, 277
Galbraith, Mel, 207
Garden Bird Feeding Survey (BTO), 81
Garden Bird Health Initiative (GBHI), 181
Garden BirdWatch (BTO), 22, 79, 87–88, 112–16, 131, 182
gardens, 45, 87, 268. See also wildlife gardening
Gardman, 35
r /> Gaston, Kevin, 260
geese, 67, 107, 205, 241
Geis, Aelred, 61–62
George, Martin, 34
Germany, 66, 188; diseases, 183; history of bird feeding in, 37, 49–53, 55; parakeets in, 133; winter feeding, 71; year-round feeding, 72, 89–93
Giant Moa, 203
Gibbons, David, 78
Gigrin Farm, 236–37
Glasgow, 25
Goldcrest, 228 Golden-crowned Kinglet, 173
Goldfinches, 17, 32, 60, 86, 131, 173, 182
Gondwana, 202
Goshawks, 50
Göth, Ann, 70–71
grackles, 27, 133
grain, 38, 40, 45, 54, 60, 92, 179–80, 189
granivores, 195
Gray Butcherbirds, 167
Graylag Geese, 69
Gray Squirrels, 235
Great Blue Herons, 99
Great Britain. See United Kingdom
Great Grey Shrike, 69–70
Great Spotted Woodpecker, 135
Great Tit, 82, 129, 134, 144–46, 149–51, 155, 162, 185–86
Greece, 66, 67
Greenfinch, 17, 85, 181–83, 186, 190, 201, 275
green space, 271, 280
Greig, Emma, 100–101, 107–9
grevilleas, 6
Grey Warbler, 130, 202
grubs, 10–11, 63, 138, 141, 198
Haast’s Eagle, 203, 205
habitats, 5–6, 45, 87–89, 91, 161, 227, 229
Haith’s, 35
hand-feeding, 11–12
hanging tube feeders, 57
Harrison, Tim, 149–51
hatching success, 150–51, 166, 169, 224
health, human, 189
health, of birds, 128, 171–200; diet and, 152–54, 167–68, 170 (see also nutrition); diseases, 172–87; feeding and, 187–93
Hedgehog (European), 35, 75, 204, 253
hemp, 58
Henderson, Carrol, 37, 73
Henry Bell, 35
herbivores, 195
Hiesemann, Martin, 49, 52–53
Hihi (Stitchbird), 209–11, 239
Hindu writings, birds in, 39–40, 43
Hinsley, Shelley, 15–16, 124, 126, 261
History of Birdwatching in 100 Objects (Callahan), 45
honeyeaters, 5–7
Hooded Merganser, 99
hopper feeders, 53
House Finch, 107, 116; diseases, 109–12, 172–79, 183–84, 187, 275
House Finch Disease Survey, 110–12, 175–79
House Mouse, 204–5
House Sparrow, 8, 17, 61, 78, 89, 112, 129, 130, 133, 186, 190, 202, 274; conservation of, 228–33
Howard, Peter, 20, 245–47
How to Attract and Protect Wild Birds (von Berlepsch), 49–53
How to Attract Birds in Northeastern United States (McAtee), 53
human-nature connections, 42–43, 257–60, 277–81; benefits to people, 260–62, 279–81
human-wildlife interactions, 1–4, 19, 20–21, 245, 277–81
hummingbirds, 67, 73–74, 106, 273
Hungary, 66
Hutton’s (Chatham Island) Rail, 205
Iceland, 66
Illinois, 128
Imogene Powers Johnson Center for Birds and Biodiversity, 99
India, 35, 188
Indigo Bunting, 239
insect foods, 51, 200; breeding and, 146; for nestlings, 82, 125–26, 195, 226–27, 230–33; preferences for, 274; supply of, 92, 104
insectivores, 138, 274
Institute of Zoology, 180, 190
International Ornithological Congress, 90
International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 234
Inuit hunters, 38
Ipswich Journal, 46
Ireland, 66
Ishigame, Go, 20, 167
Italy, 66, 67
Ithaca, New York, 96–97, 273
Jackdaw, 134, 236
Jacobi Jayne, 35
Japan, 161
Jay, 27, 50
Judeo-Christian tradition, birds in, 40–42
Kākā, 202, 205, 214
Kākāpō, 212, 214–25
Kākāriki, 208, 214
Kauri tree, 219, 223
Kaytee Co., 56
Kea, 201, 202
Kellert, Stephen, 254, 257
Kellogg Seed Company, 56
Kendal Mercury, 46
Kentucky, 183
Kererū, 202, 208, 214
kestrel, 228
Kilham, Peter, 57
Kiore (Polynesian Rat), 203–5, 208, 219
Kite Committee, 234
Kites, 233–38
kiwi, 201
Knauf and Tesch, 56
Kōkako, 208
Lack, David, 143–44, 155
Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua, 22
Last Child In the Woods (Louv), 279
Latvia, 66
Laughing Kookaburra, 167, 197
Laughing Owl, 205
Leicester, 25
Lepczyk, Christopher, 23
Lesser Redpolls, 131
Little Barrier Island, 209–10, 212–14, 218–23
Little Owls, 134
Lloyd, Brian, 219–20
The Lodge, 77–79
London, 134, 227–33
London Daily News, 47
Long Point Bird Observatory, 100
lorikeets, 8–11, 186, 199–200, 263, 265
Louisiana, 190
Louv, Richard, 279–80
Love and Care for Nature Scale, 258–60, 265
Luke, Book of, 41
Macleay’s Honeyeater, 242
macroelements, 195
macronutrients, 152–54
magpie, 10, 18, 50, 136. See also Australian Magpie
mail order catalogs, 84–85
Make Space for Nature (BBC), 88
Mallard, 99, 190
mammalian predators, 204–6, 208–9, 214, 215
Maori, 201–4
Marsh Tit, 185
Martin, Graham, 149
Marzluff, John, 248
Massachusetts Department of Agriculture, 53
mating, 209, 215, 218, 221
Matthew, Book of, 41
Mauritius Fody, 225
Mauritius Kestrel, 225
Mauritius Parakeet, 225
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, 90
McAtee, W. L., 53
McLees, Briony, 20
Mead, Chris, 78–80, 82, 86, 87
mealworms, 11, 64, 84, 146, 230–32, 273–74; breeding studies and, 164–65
meat, 10–11, 63–64, 131–32, 138, 166–68, 197–200, 235–38. See also insect foods
Mediterranean countries, 67
Meliphagidae, 5
Meriden, Connecticut, 55
Mexico, 67
Michigan, 23, 127, 129
micronutrients, 152–54
migration, 107–9; changes in, 97, 112–17; diseases and, 183
Miller, James, 111–12
Miller, Marc, 248
millet, 58
minerals, 195
Mistle Thrush, 228
mixed-species flocks, 161
moa, 201–5
Moho, 212
Mohr, Gabriele, 72, 91–92
Mokoia, 210
Monk Parakeet, 133
Morning Song seed mix, 192
moths, 141
motivations for feeding, 1–3, 29–30, 93– 94, 241–62; atonement (environmental aspects), 247, 249, 251, 255; bird watching, 56, 242–44, 247; care for birds, 3, 14, 244, 255, 258–61, 264–67, 276; companionship, 251, 256; Ecologistic-Scientific, 255, 256; helping birds survive, 249, 250, 255; Humanistic, 255, 256; learning about birds, 247, 249; Moralistic, 255; Naturalistic, 255–56; nurture, 251; pleasure, 247, 249, 250, 261, 276; values research, 254–57; in winter, 117–19
Muntjac, 235
Myanmar, 35
Mycoplasma gallisepticum, 174
mycoplasmal conjunctivitis, 174–75
Namaqua Dove, 38<
br />
National Audubon Society, 44, 54, 56
national parks, 54, 87
National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (US Census Bureau), 24, 111
Natural England, 234
natural foods: availability of, 92, 122–24, 140, 193, 265, 267–68; bird distributions and, 103; preferences for, 264, 274–75; survival and, 155–59; in winter, 113–15. See also berries; insect foods; nectar; seeds
The Natural Regulation of Animal Populations (Lack), 143
nature, contact with. See human-nature connections
nectar, 5–7, 9, 209, 210
Nepal, 38
nest boxes, 50, 82, 88, 144, 210
nestlings: choking on peanuts, 82, 120, 126; conservation through supplemental feeding, 226–27; feeder food, 81–82, 94, 120, 124–26; insect food, 82, 125–26, 195, 226–27, 230–33; natural food, 124–25, 140–41
the Netherlands, 66
New Testament, 41
New Zealand: bird feeding in, 21–23, 66; conservation of birds, 202, 206–25; feeder effect, 123; mammalian predators, 204–6, 208–9, 214, 215; native species, 201–6, 208–9; species diversity, 130; spending on bird food, 26; unpopular species, 133
New Zealand Garden Bird Survey, 22–23
New Zealand Wildlife Service, 206, 217
niger (Guizotia abyssinica). See nyger
nightingales, 50
Noisy Miner, 6–8
nontarget species, 27, 132–35
North America: bird feeding industry, 35; birdseed market, 35; diseases, 183, 186 (see also diseases); motivations for feeding, 94; year-round feeding, 72–75. See also Project FeederWatch
Northampton Mercury, 42
Northern Cardinal, 102
North Island Snipe, 203
Norway, 66, 162
Norway Rat, 204, 205
The Nunnery, 79–82
nuthatch, 83, 185
nutrition, 194–97, 274–75; of bird food products, 127; nutrients, 152–55, 165–66; winter foods and, 120. See also calcium; fat; phosphorus; protein
nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, 198
nyger seed (nyjer or “thistle”), 35, 60, 131, 173
Oddie, Bill, 33, 86–89
oilseed industry, 58–60
O’Leary, Rebecca, 124
Ontario Bird Feeder Survey, 100
Oregon, 106
organized feeding, 268; defined, 38–39, 64; history of, 44, 47–48
Ornithotrophe, 44–45
Orros, Melanie, 23, 26, 132, 237
Oxford, 25
Pale-headed Rosella, 8
Papua New Guinea, 38
parakeets, 133–35
Paridae, 144. See also tits (titmice)
parrots, 8, 18, 67, 133, 199–200, 212; diseases, 186; in New Zealand, 202, 208, 214–25; sunflower seeds and, 60
partridges, 179–80
Passenger Pigeons, 180
pastime, feeding as, 93, 247. See also motivations for feeding
pathogens, 174–77, 180–81, 184–87
Peach, Will, 78, 230